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Delivery Policy

These terms of delivery apply only to the online store of Lusson.

Definition of the terms: buyer, seller, user implies as a natural person, as well a legal entity.

General conditions:

  • We will deliver the products bought in Lusson's online store throughout Georgia;
  • The orders made after 18:00 hour will be processed on the next day;
  • Orders received on Sunday will be processed on Monday.
  • The seller, to ensure a processing of the user’s order from the moment of transferring the amount at the bank account of Lusson, during not later than 14 business days. Delivery term of the item to the user should not exceed 2 business days after processing of the order, except the exceptional cases.
  • In particular:
  • If the production should be made by order, after processing of the information will be made during 10-14 business days, and a delivery during 4-5 business days after production.
  • Also, an exceptional case is a promotional period (birthday of Lusson, black Friday, New Year). during which the estimated time of delivery of products is 10 business days from processing.
  1. If the products selected by the user are not available in the branches located throughout Tbilisi, then it is necessary to move them from other branches, in which case a period of 14 business days is determined for the delivery of the products after processing the order.

Rates of delivery:

  • Rates are calculated automatically on the purchase page.
  • Delivery is implemented only at the address, without bring up.
  • You can select as delivery, as well a free function of taking from the branch.

You can see the full user agreement here. 

User agreement

User agreement of using with the online store and the web site of Lusson


• The present terms and conditions are the agreement with mandatory power concluded between you and “Lusson” LLC (hereinafter the “company”) and regulates only using of the web site of Lussoni.ge and online shop. Web-page or/and the services related to it, including any kind of communication implemented toward the clients of the company with regard to the offered services, hereinafter collectively referred, as the platform of  Lussoni.ge; 

In order of registration at the platform, obtaining of the user’s personal data, in particular, name, surname, e-mail address by the company is implemented directly from the user with preserve of the law of Georgia “on the personal data protection” and within the relevant purpose.

For the purpose to buy the item posted on the web site (without registration on the platform) Obtaining of the personal data of the user, in particular, name, surname, personal number, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery place of the item is implemented by the company directly from the user with preserve of the law of Georgia “on the personal data protection” and within the relevant purpose.

In order to buy the item posted on the web site (the user is registered on the platform) Obtaining of the personal data of the user, in particular, name, surname, personal number, telephone number, e-mail address, delivery place of the item is implemented by the company directly from the user with preserve of the law of Georgia “on the personal data protection” and within the relevant purpose. 

• Because of the desire of the user, to open the personal data on the platform operated by Lussoni.ge, that accordingly, be able the user to buy through the platform, and the company to sell its own production, the company and the user agree, to conclude the agreement, based on which will be implemented:  

• Opening and using of the account by the user, selling of the production posted on the platform by Lussoni.ge and supply to the user, payment of the fee by the user, calculation of the commission fee from the sales implemented through the platform and payment method, also closing of the account;

• Please, carefully read these terms of use before using the web site;

• All users, who wants to use with the web site of Lussoni.ge, are obliged to agree and preserve the below given terms and conditions. The administration of Lussoni.ge preserves the right, in any time, unilaterally, in compliance with the legislation, by publishing on the same web site, to make changes to these conditions without further additional consent of the user.

1. Definition of the terms

1.1.  The terms and definitions used in the present terms and conditions have the below defined meanings, except the cases, when the context of the document clearly indicates otherwise:

1.1.1.  Account – means the user’s account registered on the web site;

1.1.2.  Authorization - means access to the user's personal account and includes any action defined in the article 6 of these terms and conditions;

1.1.3.  Terms of use - means these terms, together with any other terms and/or conditions, which these terms of use, by appropriate reference, are deemed to be part of these terms and which govern the user's access to and use of the web site, including those related to any content, functions and services , which is offered on the web site;

1.1.4.  Website - means Lussoni.ge, through which the service is offered;

1.1.5.  User - a legal or a natural person who meets the requirements set forth in these terms and wants to buy the company's products through the Lussoni.ge platform;

1.1.6.  Company, Gorgia LLC Lussoni.ge, which is registered and functioning according to the legislation of Georgia, (registered on 14.07.2008 Identification №245621288, legal address: #10 Sukhumi str., c. Batumi);

1.1.7.  User, users – means the users registered on the web site Lussoni.ge;

1.1.8.  Parties – means the company and its user;

1.1.9.  Lussoni.ge platform – the platform operated by Lussoni.ge, which without any limitation includes the web site Gorgia.ge;

1.1.10.  Operation - any operation performed by the user in connection with the personal account and/or services;

1.1.11.  Universal identifiers – unity of the data supplied to the users by Lussoni.ge, through using of which it is registered in the identification system and has a possibility to use the remote services or/and remote service channels of Lussoni.ge;

1.1.12.  Access code(s) - codes, passwords, username, identification code, universal identifiers and/or other confidential information that Lussoni.ge may provide to the user to access various services;

1.1.13.  Agreement – the agreement concluded between the user and Lussoni.ge, which includes the terms and conditions and their annexes, if any;

1.1.14. Stock, in stock - product availability status, which is intended only for the online store and does not provide information about the stocks of any physical branch of the company;

1.2.  Where the context allows, words denoting the singular number shall mean the plural and vice versa.


2. Statements and Warranties

By agreeing to the present terms and conditions, the user confirms, that:

2.1 Is a legal entity established in accordance with the legislation of Georgia or an individual who has reached the age of 18 and has legal capacity;

2.2.  Has a full (unlimited) capacity, is not under the influence of narcotic, alcoholic, psychotropic or toxic drugs, is not under the influence of error, fraud, pressure, threats or any other illegal influence and is not the object of violence, threats, deception, misrepresentation or any other prohibited action on the part of Lussoni.ge or any third party, is fully aware of the content of the manifestation of his will, the essence of the provisions of the terms and conditions and the legal consequences arising from it;

2.3.  The user has a full authority (or will obtain appropriate authority) to sign and perform the obligations under these terms or any other agreements and applications;

2.4.  Became aware of the conditions and they are acceptable;

2.5.  All data submitted by him/her are accurate;

2.6.  The user is not involved or participate in any illegal activity (including money laundering, arms trafficking, terrorism or other illegal activities) under the laws of any jurisdiction (which includes the laws of Georgia and the laws of the country of which the user is a citizen); 

2.7.  During opening of the personal account and whole effectiveness period of the agreement his/her activity or/and actions are/will be in compliance with local and/or international legislation;

2.8. His/her action is not/will be aimed to deceiving Lussoni.ge and/or any third party. With consideration of the mentioned principle, the document and/or information submitted by him/her to Lussoni.ge for the conclusion of the agreement or based on it and at the time of its presentation is/will be true, accurate and complete; 

2.9. He/she will conscientiously, completely and carefully fulfill the obligations assumed by the conditions;

2.10. He/she is agree, after opening of the personal account, before termination of the agreement, to allow Lussoni.ge to search/verify and process any information specified by the user or related to him/her, including the personal information and/or universal identifiers;

2.11. The user immediately will notify the Lussoni.ge about all these circumstance(s), which may be in conflict with its mentioned statements and/or cause a breach of mentioned warranties; 

2.12. Lussoni.ge concludes the agreement based on the statements, warranties and obligations given in these conditions and considers them as conditions of the agreement. Accordingly, violation of the statements, warranties and obligations provided in this article after the conclusion of the agreement is a sufficient reason for Lussoni.ge to unilaterally refuse to provide all or any of the services provided for in the agreement and conditions.  


3.   For using of the full service of Lussoni.ge;

3.1 The buyer will be registered at the web site Lussoni.ge;

3.2 For registration, the buyer specifies the name, surname, e-mail and password, which only he/she knows, and the system does not store it in the open form, but stores a hashed version of it, which is not accessible to anyone except the holder; 

3.3 After completion of registration, the buyer selects the desired product or products and adds to the cart in order to buy them;

3.4 For completion of the purchase, the user fills the additional information on the purchase page: personal number, mobile number, actual address, chooses the delivery and payment methods he/she wants and completes the purchase procedure;

3.5. In order to create an additional comfort and simplify the process for the user, during the purchase process is allowed an existence of the simplified form, which means a fewer box to be filled. In this case, in order to fill the necessary additional information, the buyer will be contacted by the operator of the company.

3.6. The company has a right to cancel a registration and the user’s account, if there will be fixed a violation of the requirements considered under the law or this agreement and dishonest action; 

3.7. Detailed instructions for purchase and payment at the online store can be found here.

4. Registered universal identifiers

4.1. User name – one of the parameters automatically determined by the centralized identification system, necessary for implementation of authorization to receive remote services; 

4.2. Password – one of the parameters required for authorization to receive the centralized remote service, which the user defines himself/herself upon registration in the centralized identification system, through the remote service channel(s) selected by Lussoni.ge or through another communication channel. The password is subject to further update/change at the user's request;

4.3. Mobile telephone number – the telephone number on which the user receives the one-time access codes and one-time passwords (if any) required for the operations specified by the centralized remote service; 

4.4. Personal number of the user – the identification number;

4.5. E-mail address of the user - a unique identifier and e-mail address to which the user receives the access codes and passwords (if any) necessary to perform the operations specified by the centralized remote service. In order to receive centralized remote services, the user may define the obligation to perform authentication by simple (use of name and password) or complex (use of name, password and one-time code) authentication method. The authorization method for using each relevant remote service channel(s)/services is also registered in the centralized identification system; 

4.6.  For the purposes of the service improvement and/or safety, the company may define additional or different user’s identifiers. 

5. Authorization

5.1. After registration of the account, the user authorizes, that is required for using of the whole capabilities of the web site (existence of own profile / account and functions related to it); 

5.2. Authorization is implemented through the user’s universal identifier.

6. Selection of the desired product by the user, posting of the order and receive;

6.1. With or without authorization, users can have an access to various information and make purchases through the navigation buttons on the site. 

6.2. Through the search or other navigation buttons placed on the site, the user selects the desired product category, after which he/she is allowed to filter the data according to the desired price category, product characteristics and/or other offered data.

6.3. The user can buy the item by two different standard and quick methods (hereinafter “quick method” or “standard method”): 

6.4. When buying by standard method:

6.4.1. By clicking on a specially designed button the user selects and places the desired product in his cart. 

6.4.2. After placing the product in the cart, the user will be redirected to the purchase and payment page, where the price of the product may be charged for the various services (e.g. delivery, installment payment) and place the order. 

6.5. When buying by quick method:

6.5.1. The user selects the desired product and clicks to the button “quick purchase”.   

6.5.2. After clicking to the button, an additional window will appear where you can choose the payment method. In case of payment by plastic card, you will be redirected to the purchase page, where the process continues according to the standard method. In case of choosing the other payment methods, he/she fills in the requested information and confirms the order. After which, in order to fill in additional necessary information, he/she will be contacted by the company. 

6.6.  The user will be able to receive the item bought through the platform of Lussoni.ge during 2 business days in Tbilisi and during 3-5 business days in regions after depositing the amount at the account of the company.

6.7. Bought production are delivered to all regions of Georgia, which the user can select on the purchase page.

6.8. Delivery terms are the following:

6.8.1. In case of payment by plastic card - VISA / Master Card, delivery is made during 2 business days in Tbilisi, and during 3-5 business days in regions.

6.8.2. In case of payment by the bank transfer based on the invoice, delivery is implemented during 2 business days after depositing at the seller’s bank account in Tbilisi, and during 3-5 business days in regions.

6.8.3. In case of online installment, delivery is made during 2 business days after depositing at the seller’s bank account in Tbilisi, and during 3-5 business days in regions.  

6.8.4. Delivery is made only to the address, without bringing to the floor.


6.9 Payment is implemented by the following methods:

6.9.1 According to the delivery method selected at the purchase page, payment may be made by plastic card and online transaction; through online installments or bank transfer.

6.9.2 In case of taking from the branch all existing payment methods are effective.

6.9.3. Processing of the orders is made from 10:00 to 18:00 . Processing of the orders made after 18 hour or Sunday 18 will be implemented at the next business day


7. Payment between Lussoni.ge and the user

7.1.  The user can pay by credit card, that includes agreeing to these terms and conditions.

7.2.  In case of payment by credit card, the receiver of the transfer is the company.

7.3.  The company will support the user in solving the problem arising when paying by credit card through the customer service center.

7.4 User’s obligation toward the company will be considered as completed from the moment, when the cost of specific products and the commission charged by the user are fully deposited at the relevant bank account of the company. 

7.5  The buyer pays to Lussoni.ge through the following payment methods:

• By VISA or MASTERCARD card at the web site www.lussoni.ge 

• Transfer at the bank account based on the invoice (note: in case, if the shipping rate is not calculated automatically, the user should wait for a new invoice indicating the calculated shipping rate).

• Online installment - different banks have different procedures for online installments. In some cases, may be necessary a physical visit at the site and sign to the agreement.

• If required, based on the user’s desire, the company’s operator can help to the user in filling the installment application. 

8. Compensation procedure of transportation service price

• In case of rejection of the agreement by the user, he/she will not be charged with any costs (including the delivery costs), except the case, when the user selected a more expensive delivery service than the standard delivery service offered by the seller, or the price of the goods which has been reduced resulted of a benefit that is not related to the determination of the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods. The obligation to cover the difference arisen resulted of the goods price reduction will not be charged to the user, if the seller did not supply the full information on the right of rejection to the agreement considered under the law.