Guarantee and Unconditional Returns
Warranty & unconditional return
Return and exchange policy of the item bought in online store of Lusson
Explanation of terms: buyer, seller, user implies as a natural person, as well a legal entity.
Rights of the user (legal warranty)
• If the goods are found to be defective, the user has a right to request elimination of the defect by the seller (repair or replacement of the goods free of charge, reduce the price) or remove from the agreement.
• Repair and replacement of the goods are the firsthand rights of the user. The user has a right, to request repair or replacement of the goods by the seller for free, except the case, when according to the nature of the goods; it is impossible or requires unequal and irrelevantly big expenses.
• The goods should be repaired or replaced in the reasonable term, so that the customer does not experience a significant disruption considering a nature of the goods and the purpose for which has purchased the goods.
• Repair or replacement of the goods free of charge implies cover of all costs by the seller (including the post, working load and materials costs), which are required to ensure a relevance of the goods with the conditions considered under the agreement.
• The user has a right to request reduction of the price or to reject the agreement, if there is any of the following conditions:
a) Repair or replacement of the goods is impossible;
b) The seller has not repaired or replaced the goods in the reasonable term and the user lost interest to perform the agreement;
c) Repair or replacement of the goods by the seller will create a significant disruption to the User.
• In case of expiration of the agreement, the User has a right, to request a compensation of damage caused by non-completion of the agreement under the rule determined by legislation of Georgia.
• The User has not a right to reject the agreement, if a defect of the goods is insignificant.
• When defining, how non-equal or irrelevantly big is the expense, will be considered the following conditions:
a) Price of the goods or service in case of relevance with the conditions considered under its agreement;
b) Quality of irrelevance of the goods or service with the conditions considered under the agreement;
c) An alternative possibility to eliminate the defect of the goods without hindering of the customer.
• The User has a right, to use with the above-mentioned rights, if the defect of the goods is found during 2 years from transferring of it to him/her.
• If the User found a defect of the goods during 6 months after taking possession of the goods, until the contrary is proven, it is assumed that the defect existed when the goods were delivered, if, based on the nature of the goods or the nature of the defect, it is possible. In this case, the burden of proof imposes to the seller. If the customer discovers the defect of the goods after 6 months after taking possession of the goods, the burden of proving that the defect existed when the goods were delivered imposes to the customer.
1. Return policy
• According to the article 13 of law of Georgia “on protection of User’s rights”, except the exceptions defined under the article 14 of the same article, the User has a right, without indication of all basics to reject the remote agreement or/and the off-site agreement during 14 calendar days.
• This term will be counted: a) in case of the service agreement – from conclusion of the agreement; b) In case of purchase agreement – from receiving into ownership of the goods by the User or the person specified by him/her (except the carrier); c) In case of partial ordering of the goods by the User - from the moment the last item is taken into possession by the User or the third party specified by him (except the carrier);
d) In the case of an agreement for regular delivery of the goods (with defined periodicity) - from the first time of taking possession of the item by the customer or a third party designated by him/her (except the carrier).
2. Return conditions
• The User has a right to fix a demand on return of the bought item during 14 calendar days from delivery of the item. The term will be counted from the moment of transferring the item into possession of the User. After expiration of this term, the User loses the returning demand right of the item. For using with the mentioned demand the User is obliged to fill the return form of the item (see at our web page)
Please fill the return form online or come to the branch:
Return form
• In case of rejection of the agreement, the User is obliged: to immediately return the goods to the seller or the person defined by him/her immediately after sending the notification on rejection of the agreement, but no later than 7 calendar days; To pay a direct cost related to return of the goods.
• In case, if characteristics of the item does not meet to the data given at the site, the item has an original defect or the item is damaged resulted of transportation, the seller will provide a return of the products with his/her own resources.
• The User is obliged to fully return the item with all enclosed documents.
• during 14 calendar days after receiving the notification on return of the item, the seller is obliged, to return the amount to the buyer paid by him/her. The seller has a right to refuse a refund until the goods have been returned or the customer has received proof of sending the goods, whichever is earlier.
• Refund of the amount will be made through the same means, which were used by the customer, except the case, when the User declares consent to use other means of payment.
• Rejection of the remote agreement by the customer automatically causes his/her removal from the related agreement and restoration of the original state.
• Resulted of refusal of the agreement, the obligations imposed under the remote agreement by the parties will be annulled, and what the parties received by performing it, will be returned to them. Exception related to rejection of the agreement without indication of the basis
• Exception related to rejection of the agreement without indication of the basis.
• The User has not a right, to reject the goods or service, price of which exceeds to 30 GEL.
3. Compensation rule of transportation service price
• In case of rejection of the agreement by the customer, he/she will not be charged in any costs (including the delivery costs), except the case when the customer has chosen a more expensive delivery service than the standard delivery service offered by the seller or the price of the goods has been reduced resulted of a benefit that is not related to the determining the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods. The obligation to cover the difference arising resulted of the reduction of the price of the goods shall not be borne by the User, if the seller has not provided with full information about the right to refuse the agreement provided by law.
Here you can see the full User agreement: